Completers Competency at Completion

Section: 4.2. CAEP Accountability Measures

Measure 4 (Initial and Advanced): Ability of completers to be hired (in positions for which they have prepared.)

In academic year 2022-2023 thirty-four (34) out of thirty-four (34) candidates from our Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education, the Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education in English with Multimedia Technology, and the Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education in Education in English with Multimedia Technology at UPR-Aguadilla pass the Educator Certification Preparation Test (PCMAS) in Spanish acronym. Which means that (100%) of our teacher candidates comply with the requirement to be hired as teachers in Puerto Rico.

In academic year 2021-2022 eighteen (18) out of twenty-one (21) candidates from our programs pass the Educator Certification Preparation Test (PCMAS) in Spanish acronym. Which means that (86%) of our teacher candidates comply with the requirement to be hired as teachers in Puerto Rico.

In academic year 2020-2021 forty-seven (47) out of forty-eight (48) candidates from our programs pass the Educator Certification Preparation Test (PCMAS) in Spanish acronym. Which means that (97%) of our teacher candidates comply with the requirement to be hired as teachers in Puerto Rico.

During 2019-2020 PCMAS was not offered due to the Covid-19 Pandemic crisis.

Table 1. Departmental PCMAS pass rates by cohort during 2020-2022

Academic Year Elementary Secondary No. of students taking Assessment No. of students Passing Assessment Institution Pass Rate Statewide Average Pass Rate
2020-2021 30 18 48 47 89 97
2021-2022 17 4 21 18 89 86
2022-2023 18 16 34 34 89 100

Completers Competency at Completion