1.4 Professional Responsibility

Professional Responsibility

Knowledge about professional responsibility is developed through the (EDFU 4019) course. In this course, teacher candidates write an analytical essay of his/her educational philosophy. In 2022-2023, N= 37, 2023-2024, N=21 clearly establish the purpose of education, considering their individual educational philosophy. Teacher candidates use theorists and their philosophical postulates to justify and enrich their philosophical framework. (See 1.5.1 electronic Portfolio Guidelines and 1.5.2 Assessment 8_EPP Electronic Portfolios) For examples of EPP candidates visits https://ppm.uprag.edu/candidate-electronic-portfolios/)

Cases are used in the EDFU 3002: Human Growth and Development II course are included. Students perform an analysis of each hypothetical case in a school setting. They must apply the theories studied in the course EDFU 3001: Growth and Human Development I in situations that may occur in the educational environment. (see study cases and rubric for both courses).

Another evidence is the School Community Service Project as a requirement for the clinical practice course. This is the second major formal experience where candidates go outside of the classroom, assume a leadership role, and participate in a service project in which they organize, design, and implement an appropriate activity. Teacher candidate analyzes and establish the relationship between sociology of education and reflects about the relationship with the school as a social institution in collaboration with the community. In this activity they plan, design, and implement a project that responds to the needs of a selected community. Through this activity each teacher candidate can participate actively in the application of the principles of educational sociology UPR Aguadilla teacher candidates demonstrate their professional responsibilities in the methodology and teaching practice courses.

An analysis of the available data on the TWS over the past spring semester shows that over 97% of UPR Aguadilla candidates fully meet each of the five professional responsibility criteria. (see the corresponding rubrics).

UPR Aguadilla professional dispositions for all teacher candidates are presented in the EPP Conceptual Framework which establishes that candidates are expected to be respectful of diversity and promote it in the teaching and learning process. All professional courses emphasize and teach professional ethics and responsibilities. EPP conceptual framework has nine proficiencies or competencies that all teacher candidates must address in a progressive way through the exit level. (See evidence 1.1.1 Candidates Proficiencies aligned with Standards).

Last year, 37 (100%) teacher candidates at UPR Aguadilla prepared teacher candidate pass the PCMAS and have been successful. On Spring 2022, 18 of 21 (86%) teacher candidates at UPR Aguadilla were successful.  (See evidence 1.1.3 for a complete analysis of UPRAg teacher candidate scores of the PCMAS).